Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Croquembouche Cupcakes

When I first saw these cupcakes, I was amazed. I was watching an episode of unique sweets (the cake episode) and they visited a little cupcake shop called Yellow Leaf Cupcake Co. At first, I just thought, "Another one of the other million cupcake shops."
Trust me, I was wrong. Yellow Leaf has over 150 different flavors! (Including a section of flavors based off of coffee <3).
Just as I was watching how to create one of these masterpieces, my mom asked, "Can you make those?"

Of course I can.

You have to start off with the base (a cupcake).

I chose caramel to go with the caramel drizzle... I'm already giving away too much! (P.S. I cheated on the caramel flavor in the cupcake). You can choose any flavor you want.

Next, you have to make the cream puffs... My dad said they were his favorite part. Who needs a cupcake?

Then fill them...

Then drizzle...

And you have yourself an American - French explosion!

Croquembouche Cupcakes
(Cream Puff and Cream recipes adapted from Flour)

Cream Puff:
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup water
1 cup plus one tablespoon all-purpose flour
4 eggs

1. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt butter, sugar, salt, and water. DO NOT LET COME TO A BOIL!
2. Add the flour all at once and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon for 3 - 4 minutes or until dough forms and a film begins to form on the bottom of the pan.
3. Transfer dough to a stand mixer and beat on medium - high with the paddle attachment for one minute. In the meantime, in a medium bowl, beat the eggs until yolks are broken and just combine.
4. Add egg mixture a little at a time on low until incorporated. Transfer dough to a pastry pan and pipe out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper in 1 inch diameter circles.
5. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 325 and bake until brown.
6. Let cool and fill with cream.

1 cup milk
1/4 vanilla bean
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cake flour
pinch of salt
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup whipping cream

1. Scald milk, vanilla seeds, and vanilla bean in a saucepan over medium heat.
2. In a separate bowl, wisk sugar, flour, and salt until evenly combined. In another bowl, stir the egg and egg yolk until yolks are broken. Add the egg mixture to the sugar and stir until smooth.
3. Once the milk has scalded, remove from heat and slowly add the egg/sugar mixture. Reduce heat to medium - low and continue cooking until the mixture comes to a boil. Once it has, let cook for 10 SECONDS, then remove from heat. Strain through a fine mesh sieve and discard vanilla bean. Let Cool.
4. Just before use, beat cream until forming peaks. Wisk the cooled custard then fold into the beaten cream.
5. Place into pastry bag and pipe into puffs.

1/2 cup GRANULATED sugar
1/4 cup water
1/2 whipping cream
4 tablespoons unsalted butter

1. Carefully pour the sugar into a saucepan and drizzle the water over it. Cook on medium heat until sugar has dissolved. Increase heat to medium-high.
2. Once it begins to simmer, WATCH IT! It can burn so quickly...
3. Once the mixture is amber brown, reduce heat to medium and add the cream. Stir until completely combined.
4. Remove from heat and add butter, mix until well combined.

To Construct:
1. Frost the top of a cooled cupcake with a small amount of the pastry cream.
2. Add filled cream puffs and insert toothpicks to stabilize.
3. Drizzle caramel. :)

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